
Printmaking With Natural Dyes — Coming Soon!

My latest personal work has been experimenting with natural materials to make printmaking dyes for fabric and paper. I am interested in conserving and respecting our environment, and utilizing the resources that are available to us rather than the toxic materials so many art products are made of. I am also interested in reusing and mending instead of buying new, and I hope to teach these methods of DIY as a means to reconnect with nature and disconnect from our material and consumerist culture.

New Work
Portland, OR | 2019

A series of mixed media prints. The first in a series of work combining watercolor and printmaking.

Portland, OR | 2018

Drawings to become prints.

Relief Prints — Seeds
Portland, OR | 2018

A series of relief prints made from seeds I saved from my garden. Part of an art and seed exchange.

Gelli Prints — Leaves and Lace
San Diego, CA | 2017

Gelatin plates (like the Knox brand used to make jello) produce a textured print on fabric or paper with the use of natural materials and stamps. A two-part process: the first print is the negative and the second print is the positive.

Linocut Pattern Stamping
Montpelier, VT | 2017

Simple yet dynamic patterns made with linocut stamps.

Montpelier, VT | 2017

Monotype prints referencing the Vermont landscape.